Turbine Technologies, Ltd. recently visited Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC) to commission its first training device specifically developed to benefit vocational education.
Perry Kuznar, TTL’s Vice President stated: “PumpLab™ is a new, hands-on learning device that’s actually three educational products in one. The product uniquely illustrates principles related to centrifugal pumping, process control and modern data acquisition methods.
Tim Tewalt, an Electromechanical Technology Instructor at CVTC will be using the system in their Electromechanical Technology Associate Degree Program. The PumpLabTM was designed to offer-hands on training for centrifugal pumping and programmable process control. CVTC has a number of courses this system will be used in, including; fluid power, programmable logic controllers, real-time data acquisition, and sensors.
Perry recalled some of the conversations he had with Tim and Mark Hendrickson, Dean of Manufacturing, while they were setting up the unit and going through its functions; “Tim was pretty enthused that he can cover a number of degree program topics with just one system.” “He also liked how well everything was laid out for ease of use by the students”. “Mark mentioned that their mission is to prepare students to work in industry—to teach skills to match industry needs”. “He seemed pretty comfortable that PumpLab™ would deliver on that mission”. “You could sense the turn-key convenience factor of the PumpLab™ was also important to these gentlemen as they were busily getting ready to welcome students back in a few days for the fall term”. For additional product information, visit: www.turbinetechnologies.com

Pictured, from left to right: CVTC Dean Mark Hendrickson, TTL VP Perry Kuznar and CVTC Instructor Tim Tewalt
About Turbine Technologies, Ltd
Turbine Technologies is a United States manufacturer of premier educational laboratory equipment. Our products offer engineering students unique learning opportunities via hands-on operation and observation of thermal fluid systems. Since 1988, Turbine Technologies has been partnering with faculty worldwide via the design and manufacture of turnkey educational devices that support educational objectives in science, technology, engineering and math. Our products offer real world experience in engineering and vocational technical disciplines.
About CVTC
Chippewa Valley Technical College is part of the Wisconsin Technical College System located in the state of Wisconsin serving an eleven-county area. The largest campus is located in Eau Claire with major regional centers in Chippewa Falls, Menomonie, Neillsville and River Falls. The College is one of 16 WTCS colleges located throughout the state.